Character Creator 3, 三維建模出了愛

The work flow of CC3 with Blender

Character Creator 3 has an excellent workflow with Maya, Max…etc. However, if you don’t have a budget to get those Modeling software. Blender would be the best solution.

The File you need

CC3 Blender Tools(You need to put it in Blender)

CC3 Blender Tools Plugin(You need to put it in CC3)

Install CC3 Blender Tools to Blender

Install CC3 Blender Tools Plugin to CC3

Export your character from CC3

The setting preset choise ‘Blender’

Saving the FBX file.

Open the fbx file with Blender( you have to already install CC3 blende Tools!)

Now you can hide the bone use ‘ctrl + H’ and start sculpture your character. The export fbx replace the original file.

In cc3 click Script->Load Python

Open the fbx exported from Blender

Then will show these, this is fine, the bone will re-generate.

Remeber to embed the images.

Now you see the change.
